Pastoral Support Group
This group provides social visits to parishioners in their own home or residential home. There are seven members of the group including Fr. Terry and Deacon Mike, and we meet once each month for updates on visits made. We are frequently told how welcome our visits are and how those we call upon continue to feel a valued part of our parish family, although often physically being unable to come to church. We give birthday cards and Christmas cards and quite often meet with family members visiting at the same time, which gives them reassurance that housebound relatives are not forgotten but form a part of our parish family.
Each year we organise two Masses for senior parishioners and the housebound. One at Christmas and the other in the summer. Transport is provided to and from church, then Mass with anointing, followed by lunch. We cater on a grand scale, providing home-made soup, sandwiches and nibbles, sweets and lots of cakes. We have raffles and music on each occasion. There is much opportunity (which is taken full advantage of!!), to exchange news and views, and generally have a good gossip. We give out “doggy bags” with chosen choice for those that want a little “extra” (and why not?). At Christmas we give out chocolates and biscuits, have a raffle, and even raffle the table floral decorations! . I can truthfully report “a noisy, sociable and exceptionally good time is had by all!”
Finally, we enjoy our visits and making the people we visit feel much valued members of our parish community. We are often regaled with stories of times past and shown family photos and personal mementoes. In short, we get as much pleasure and benefit out of time spent visiting as do those we visit. It really is a two way process in pastoral caring and being cared about – in other words: sharing time – man’s most precious commodity.
Claire Morgan
Ss. Peter & Frances Pastoral Support Group
Each year we organise two Masses for senior parishioners and the housebound. One at Christmas and the other in the summer. Transport is provided to and from church, then Mass with anointing, followed by lunch. We cater on a grand scale, providing home-made soup, sandwiches and nibbles, sweets and lots of cakes. We have raffles and music on each occasion. There is much opportunity (which is taken full advantage of!!), to exchange news and views, and generally have a good gossip. We give out “doggy bags” with chosen choice for those that want a little “extra” (and why not?). At Christmas we give out chocolates and biscuits, have a raffle, and even raffle the table floral decorations! . I can truthfully report “a noisy, sociable and exceptionally good time is had by all!”
Finally, we enjoy our visits and making the people we visit feel much valued members of our parish community. We are often regaled with stories of times past and shown family photos and personal mementoes. In short, we get as much pleasure and benefit out of time spent visiting as do those we visit. It really is a two way process in pastoral caring and being cared about – in other words: sharing time – man’s most precious commodity.
Claire Morgan
Ss. Peter & Frances Pastoral Support Group